Ten years ago, a Big Idea constellated in the mind of pro-social behavior change researcher and innovator David Gershon, CEO of the Empowerment Institute. The idea was to operationalize the modest goal of keeping the planet viable into the long-term future and improving the quality of life for humanity at the same time.
For the full post,…
ContinueAdded by Sue Lebeck on March 28, 2017 at 2:18pm — No Comments
As enthusiastic hackathon teams gathered in Richmond, California for the second annual Meeting of the Minds (MotM) Civic Hackathon in mid-October (find the story here), the energy and creativity levels were high. “I’m very impressed at the creative applications that were directly relevant to the city of Richmond’s needs,” observed MotM Executive Director Jessie…
ContinueAdded by Sue Lebeck on March 28, 2017 at 2:17pm — No Comments
This post is written in response to the Meeting of the Minds October 6th group blogging event, “Dear 2015”, which asks, “The year is 2050. Write a letter to the people of 2015 describing what your city is like, and give them advice on the next 35 years.”
Published at CityMinded.org in October…
ContinueAdded by Sue Lebeck on March 28, 2017 at 2:16pm — No Comments
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