

Your Observations

What SMART practices are you seeing in the field? What events have you attended, and what have you heard? What are your own observations and insights? Add them to the DISCUSSION FORUM below.


Members: 6
Latest Activity: Jan 13, 2014

Check out the thoughts below. Got something to share?  Tell us YOUR observations too!

Discussion Forum

Clean Tech Open 2013 -- winners in agriculture, buildings and more

From our friends at…Continue

Tags: Tech, Open, CTO, Clean, Buildings

Started by Sue Lebeck Jan 13, 2014.

Wisdom for Aspiring SMART Innovators, from IBM SmartCamp

“Be passionate but realistic. Learn to adapt, and don't give up. It’ll take longer than you think, but you'll change the world.” Those were some of the words of wisdom passed on from the stories of entrepreneurs and innovators at IBM’s SmartCamp…Continue

Tags: SMARTcamp, oceans-waterways, economy, Oceans-Waterways, Economy

Started by Alyson Greenlee Mar 5, 2012.

Eating Logically, Eating Locally

In today’s fast food culture it’s becomes all too easy for the green of environmentalism to take a spot in the backseat while the green of currency rides shotgun. Many a consumer are constrained by circumstances such that we are unable (due to…Continue

Tags: Agriculture, Economy, Agriculture, Economy, production

Started by Nathaniel Gloekler Feb 17, 2011.

Minilivestock: Better than Hufu, More Flavorful than Soylent Green

 Six Legs Good, Four Legs Bad!-Not Orwell From Orwell’s Animal Farm (1945) we are left with a potent message that any revolution that seeks to replace one system of dominance with another ultimately stands to recreate the very systems of oppression…Continue

Tags: Economy, agriculture, Agriculture, Economy, meat

Started by Nathaniel Gloekler Feb 17, 2011.

Lessons Learned from Buying Carbon Offsets as Holiday Presents

During the gift purchasing fervor of this past holiday season, I decided that I wanted to find something unique, useful and utilitarian for my parents. Gift buying can be so difficult and frustrating, especially when shopping for grown adults who…Continue

Tags: carbon, offsets, People-Values, People-Values, Economy

Started by Natalie Forsythe Jan 11, 2011.

In Thanksgiving: Climate Action reconfirmed

SMART professionals -- In acknowledgement of the nearly 60-40 bipartisan defeat of Prop. 23 in California's recent election, find below a strong reconfirmation on Climate Action from our state leadership. In it, Arnold Schwartzenegger…Continue

Tags: Governance, Governance, People-Values, People-Values, climate

Started by Sue Lebeck Nov 24, 2010.

IBM's Silicon Valley Challenge Winners

In the recent Silicon Valley "SMARTCamp" competition which concluded on September 9th at the Quadrus Center on Sand Hill Road, IBM selected not one but two winners, chosen from five local finalists.  Both winners seemed natural picks for IBM, a…Continue

Tags: SMARTcamp, economy, Economy

Started by Sue Lebeck Oct 20, 2010.

FountainBlue's "Sustainable Solutions for the Built Environment" Event

On October 4th, FountainBlue brought together a panel of experts from across the building field in a discussion entitled “Sustainable Solutions for the Built Environment.”  From each of their different vantage points, the panelists engaged in a…Continue

Started by Natalie Forsythe Oct 19, 2010.

Sustainable Silicon Valley’s “Eco-Cloud”

Eco-Cloud is a project of Sustainable Silicon Valley (, a non-profit organization working in Santa Clara County to connect the various organizations of the Santa Clara water shed.…Continue

Started by Peter Fitch Oct 18, 2010.

SMARTCamp for a Smarter Planet

Great minds think alike, and “SMART” is the word of the moment. Here at InnovatingSMART, “SMART” is our acronym for a set of qualities that we believe lead to sustainability.  These are: Systems-savvy, Managed intelligently, Adaptive, Regenerative…Continue

Tags: SMARTcamp, Economy, Economy

Started by Sue Lebeck Oct 14, 2010.


Members (6)




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Sue Lebeck 

  Cool Block Platform Director

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