
Eco-Cloud is a project of Sustainable Silicon Valley (, a non-profit organization working in Santa Clara County to connect the various organizations of the Santa Clara water shed. Eco-cloud holds monthly conferences to discuss the progress of projects being worked on to inform each other and give each other feedback. The main focus of these meetings is to increase the efficiency of our recycled water programs and to determine the ways that recycled water infrastructure and use can be improved. They discuss topics varying from every day water use in our homes to water use in industrial facilities.


The last meeting on October 8th was held at the Santa Clara/San Jose Water Pollution Control Plant. The plant currently produces the cleanest recycled water in the Bay Area and they have plans to build a new facility that will be more efficient at treating polluted water so it will reduce the plants total energy usage. The water that this facility produces is not potable but it is sold for landscaping and industrial facilities for cooling machinery. Using recycled water when possible reduces the amount of potable water we consume in our facilities and landscaping systems. There are many uses for recycled water and providing this water as efficiently as possibly will reduce our impact on the environment.

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Sue Lebeck 

  Cool Block Platform Director

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