
Happy New Year 2015!  

At InnovatingSMART, we are greeting the New Year with excitement as we continue the creative journeys we embarked upon this last year.   Indeed -- 2014 was a year for new babies in the InnovatingSMART team!

For Editor Nathaniel Gloekler, this development was quite literal, as he is now the father of a beautiful almost-one-year-old baby boy.   Contemplating this most potent of transitions, Nathaniel shared his meditative musings on Birthing Babies with me at the seven-month mark of Fatherhood.    Thank you Nathaniel!    May the loving awe you bring to your journey stay with you.  You will be a wonderful dad!


Meanwhile, encouraged by my own grown daughter, I have birthed a baby too -- if figuratively -- this year.  My baby is not a human, but a human mission, embodied in the exquisitely alive realm of cities.  

My interests in SMART innovation, inspired and fed by you, led me to explore the emerging field of “smart cities”.  This exploration, in turn, led me to the role of my dreams.  

As of July 1st, I am privileged and pleased to be the international Chair of the City Protocol Task Force (CPTF).   Hosted by the City Protocol Society, my work with the CPTF will allow me – and you!  -- to help shape and create the Internet of Cities.   

Please join us!  Just go to, and click on "Register".

Finally, here is this year's green business review — in haiku.  Enjoy these Smart City Haiku!  Your stories will continue to live on these pages.

Cheers to SMART innovation for the centuries ahead!


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  Cool Block Platform Director

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