
Strengthening Change Leaders Like You

Great title, isn't it?   This is the title on the email I received from Andy Billings, VP at Electronic Arts, and a manager of innovation and change who I admire.  Andy's full invitation can be found below.  Perhaps I'll see you there!


From Andy:

Just a quick note on a one-day program that might be of interest to you:


Take the lead on change:

Change leadership skills and tools for business leaders

April 19 and again on October 11, 2011


It’s hosted by Santa Clara University’s Leavey School of Business

Executive Development Center



It’s part of my goal to develop leaders by passing forward some of the change leadership concepts, tools, and experiences that I have had the good fortune to “collect” thus far in my career.  This is my way of giving appreciation for all the fun and opportunities I have received from others in doing this work.


The experience is for business leaders and is designed to be practical and have a lot of opportunities to connect with and learn from other leaders in a workshop-based format.  I have teamed up with Glenn Tobe and Monty Finefrock – two other change veterans – to give a breadth of experience to the audience


I would appreciate it if you would pass this note on to several leaders that you think might benefit.  More info and registration is at the link below.



Andy Billings

Electronic Arts


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  Cool Block Platform Director

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