
Innovation Management Support


We love what you aspire to do!  And we can help.

We are innovation management specialists with a broad understanding of smart, sustainable systems. We bridge sustainability, technology, people & innovation. Let us assist you with your SMART innovation initiatives.
Whether you are a city leader implementing a sustainable action plan, a sustainability director driving a new initiative, an entrepreneur creating a new solution, or a process designer transforming business-as-usual, we can provide targeted support to help you and your teams succeed.

With GotSMART? smart sustainability-driven leaders get the extra support you need. Specifically, we:

  • provide stakeholder research and communications services to your planning and marketing functions;
  • assist you in mapping your stakeholder needs to program and technology requirements; and
  • help remove interpersonal and organizational obstacles to the implementation process.

We work on-site and/or virtually, as needed.






What is "smart" for you?  Identify the key sustainable design principles that apply to your initiative's mission.  Discover the smart dynamics present in your systems and solutions, and reveal opportunities for new ones.

Research SMART:
Gather and analyze third-party information, conduct first-person interviews with potential partners and stakeholders, and synthesize the findings. Inform your smart ideas and express them clearly to your target audiences.




Require SMART:
Discover and refine the needs of your smart stakeholders.  Map your sustainability-driven stakeholder needs to actionable program and technology requirements.  Address the evolving nature of stakeholder needs through an agile implementation and roll-out.

Build SMART:
Implement your smart systems and solutions using a management process that is responsive, collaborative, iterative and agile. Mitigate interpersonal, organizational and other process obstacles, freeing the creative energies of your development team.





Manage SMART:
Create structures and practices to support an innovation management culture. Use innovation-supporting discussion and feedback methodologies. Avoid sabotage by rewarding the new behaviors you need.

Collaborate SMART:
Create online and on-the-ground spaces to meet your team's collaboration needs.

Conflict SMART:
Work creatively through conflicts. Solve problems and discover opportunities within and between systems and functions. 

Express SMART:
Discover the most compelling elements of your initiative, and craft an accessible story to tell the world. Report progress and learning to your customers, and to the green business community.

Contact us to discover how we can help you.

Our professional services are delivered through Silicon Valley Innovation Associates.



Become more
planet friendly,
disaster resilient and
community rich.

Sue Lebeck 

  Cool Block Platform Director

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