

Bringing together an array of cross-sector institutional partners to address systems-level issues of environmental, economic and social sustainability in the Silicon Valley region.


Marianna Grossman

Executive Director


Watch the video intro...


Listen to the full conversation on podcast...



- I’ve always wanted to try to figure out how to build an economy that works in harmony with the life-support system of the planet instead of in opposition.


- In a regenerative capitalism system, you might be willing to take a  little bit less profit, but you are trying to take care of the natural systems and the human systems on which your wealth is based.  So you pay a fair wage and make sure that people have healthcare and that schools are functioning well and there is good infrastructure. ... You make sure that you are using sustainable practices in agriculture so that you are not destroying the soil or the water systems, or poisoning the food chain.


- A third area is materials – trying to have a cradle-to-cradle system where the waste output of one entity can be an input for another.  So you can imagine a company like a store creating a lot of cardboard waste, and there are other companies that take cardboard and make it into other paper products.  So if you could have the cardboard waste going directly from one shipping dock to the next, and not have it to go to China and back, that could be a really interesting way to start to metabolize waste materials through the system and have a more regional exchange of materials.

- We’re very excited about the Ecocloud. The Ecocloud lets people who are involved in Sustainability to have a social network, similar to Facebook, where you have an identity and you can share information with people, you  can ask questions,  get answers and provide answers to others.


- Sustainability does not work with just institutions alone, or even individuals working alone to make change.  You have to have systemic change.


- They can see that we’re in it together, that to have a vibrant economy that has a lot of clean tech, healthy air, and high employment levels is what comes out of this collaboration...   People are just waiting to be invited.

Views: 151



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  Cool Block Platform Director

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