
Here at InnovatingSMART, our mission is to listen.  We seek to listen to today's sustainability-driven innovators -- entrepreneurs and intrepreneurs alike.  We seek to hear about their goals, their achievements, their learnings, and the meaning they are making in the world.  And... we seek also to listen to you, our loyal readers!  Thanks so much to all of you who, several weeks ago, responded to our first Community Question.  Thank you for your creative direction.


So - what did we hear?   We heard that you are busy people, who really like that we take the time to create skimmable textual excerpts for each of our stories.   We also heard that you really like a short video, whether it runs for a minute or for five-plus.  We do too!


And... we have learned over time that distilling in-depth interviews (which we love to conduct) into short video stories (which are engaging to create) is a long creative arc which takes an enormous lot of time. As the Director of InnovatingSMART, I am always seeking to minimize interview and production time, thus maximizing the number of stories our generous all-volunteer staff can create for our readers.


To that end... this week's story is another experiment.  Let us know what you think!  Check out this week's Community Question, and give us more of your creative direction.  We want to keep listening to YOU! 

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Sue Lebeck 

  Cool Block Platform Director

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