

The World Business Council on Sustainable Development, comprised of the largest companies in the world, recently stated in their “Vision2050” report:

"Business-as-usual cannot get us to sustainability or secure economic
and social prosperity. These can be achieved only through radical change, starting now

These world leaders now say what Young Professionals have known for some time.

Sustainable design must live in the center of 21st century business and practice. Every body – whether they be environmental engineers or artists, finance specialists or scientists, business people or social scientists – has the power to infuse sustainable design and “SMART” innovation into their professional life.

How do we execute on this vision? InnovatingSMART aims to inform, inspire and develop Young Professionals to do just that.

As the creative shapers and builders of InnovatingSMART, YOU are critical to making this happen. It is your vision, your creativity and your generosity that makes InnovatingSMART possible. Thank you for stepping into this circle with me. Thank you for your energy and passion. Thank you for showing up in the very specific way that is you.

You are yourselves each innovators. It takes a special kind of person to tolerate uncertainty. To endure murkiness between plateaus of clarity. To “lurch fitfully forward” (in the apt words of an innovative friend.) You are those special people.

When the world is a better place, we will trace our progress back to you. THANK YOU, each of you, so very much.

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Sue Lebeck 

  Cool Block Platform Director

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