
Times were when we were exhorted to save the earth; but, truth be told: the planet will survive. It is, indeed, much more our own existence that is in need of saving.

Where are we now? How have we arrived here? What practices must we continue? Which can we change?What practices will we create newly? How? And what resistances might we meet and which alliances might we forge along the ways?

The implications at present are not so much the extinction of humanity; but, moreover, as Michael Stipe of REM phrased it: "The end of the world as we know it" (1987; emphasis added). As the World Business Council for Sustainable Development concludes in their Vision 2050 (WBCSD; Vision 2050), business as usual is no longer a viable option.

This does not, however, mean an end to profit but a reformulation of the means to that profit and a redefinition of its ends. Profit must grow to embrace definitions of social and ecological well-being as well as fiscal growth.

Facilitating inter-generational dialogues between young professionals and the innovators of today, sharing information and inspiration, InnovatingSMART helps construct distributed networks of support for a broad spectrum of people involved in innovative and sustainable practices. We aim to help forge solidarities within and between groups in what can all too easily become overwhelming work to help maintain interconnection, inspiration and perpetuate the drive for innovation.

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  Cool Block Platform Director

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