
SSV Showcase of Solutions for Planetary Sustainability

WEST Summit 2013 to Showcase Solutions for Planetary Sustainability

What:   Sustainable Silicon Valley (SSV) and NASA will present the fourth annual Water, Energy and Smart Technology (WEST) Summit/Showcase to discuss critical solutions for planetary sustainability.  The event will showcase game-changing, scalable, multiple-benefits solutions that address mitigation and adaptation to climate change, water availability and other issues threatening planetary sustainability.  Participants will include venture capitalists, government officials, sustainability leaders, corporate and entrepreneurial solution providers and researchers.


Where:    NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Mountain View, Calif.


When:    Thursday, May 23, 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. PT


Details:   The all-day event will feature nearly 100 solutions to planetary sustainability, world-renowned speakers, break-out sessions ranging from the Life Support Systems of the Planet to Intelligent Integrated Infrastructure, as well as an expo featuring the latest in green technology. The symposium will create an opportunity for lively interchange among scientists, engineers, inventors, bankers, investors, and corporate and government leaders to define the scope and scale of the challenges we face and bring Silicon Valley ingenuity and NASA systems design capabilities together to create revolutionary change for a sustainable future.


The WEST Summit/Showcase 2013 will feature prominent speakers from the public and private sector, including:

  • Mohanijit Jolly, Managing Director, DFJ
  • Rami Branitzky, CEO, Numenta
  • Dr. Anthony D. Barnosky, Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, Curator at           Museum of Palentology, UC Berkeley
  • Kristiina Vogt, Professor of Forest Resources, University of Washington
  • Vince Siciliano, President & CEO, New Resource Bank
  • Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, Research Associate, California Academy of Sciences
  • Kathrin Winkler, VP Corporate Sustainability & Chief Sustainability Officer, EMC Corporation
  • Steve Zornetzer, Associate Director, NASA Ames Research Center
  • James E. Hansen, retired head of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
  • Waleed Adbalati, Director of the Earth Science Observation Center at the University of    Colorado and former chief scientist for NASA


In addition, 10 finalists will be featured in the Call for Solutions for Planetary Sustainability competition.  Those spotlighted, whose ideas range from energy-reduction technology to supply chain sustainability, will have the opportunity to pitch their solutions to a panel of venture capitalists, academics, executives and government officials.  They'll receive immediate feedback from the panel on feasibility, potential partnering, etc.


WEST Summit/Showcase Resources

WEST Summit/Showcase agenda:
Speaker information:

Solution finalists:

For more information about Sustainable Silicon Valley, the WEST Summit/Showcase or to arrange an interview with President and Executive Director Marianna Grossman, please contact SSV at

About Sustainable Silicon Valley
Sustainable Silicon Valley (SSV) envisions a healthy environment, a vibrant economy and a socially equitable community in Silicon Valley and throughout the world.  As a growing consortium of companies, governmental entities, academic and research institutions and non-profit organizations, we work together to achieve this vision through collaboration and innovation, bringing solutions from Silicon Valley’s inventors, entrepreneurs and enterprises to solve problems and create resilience in our region and in regions around the world.  For more information, visit

Media Contacts:
Marianna Grossman
President, Executive Director, SSV
(650) 318-3638, ext. 101

Martina Frndova
WEST Summit Program Director, SSV
(650) 318-3638, ext. 274

Ken Heiman
Manager of Public Relations, SSV
(650) 318-3638, ext. 116

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  Cool Block Platform Director

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