
These days such a statement might make one a little jumpy.   But in this case, there is no need to panic. Nature is not jones-ing to downsize your position.  Instead, as a result of an increasing number of human apprentices, Nature's genius is on-deck to help YOU look brilliant.

As regular readers have detected by now, I am an unabashed fan of the concepts and potential of Biomimicry, the human practice of informing our sustainable designs by copying the practices of the Master, Mother Nature herself.   As fans, we at InnovatingSMART will continue to cover this fascinating subject from time to time -- plugging an event here, and conducting an interview there.   But our mission for today is to alert you of a timely and special opportunity to allow yourself, an employee, or a colleague to dig much more deeply into this fascinating subject.

Until November 11, the Biomimicry Group's Professional Pathways program is accepting applications to its Biomimicry Special Certificate Program.   "How do we make the act of asking nature's advice a normal part of everyday inventing?"  This is the question posed by Janine Benyus and the folks at the Biomimicry Institute.  This is "an eight-month training program designed to grow regional and discipline-based biomimicry expertise among individuals who form locally attuned biomimicry networks."  Cohorts are forming in Western North America, Eastern North America, and Europe.  

To learn more, and to put in your own application, start here.  Not available to engage in sustainable desgin at that level?   Then think about who in your organization or in your field might be, and quickly direct this opportunity their way.   Because Mother Nature is on our side -- we just have to remember to ask for her help.

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Sue Lebeck 

  Cool Block Platform Director

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