
The SMART innovation community of Silicon Valley is leading our systems and infrastructures forward, for the challenges and conditions of the 21st Century. By doing so, they are building our today, and ensuring our future. Theirs is a most important gift. Please consider giving back to this community. Your tax-deductible donation, and/or your supportive sponsorship, can make all the difference in the world.

Our own mission at InnovatingSMART is to promote change for a sustainable, regenerative world through cross-generational dialogue and first-person stories of SMART design and innovation. Our all-volunteer team has conceived and birthed InnovatingSMART. Your generous donation or your Founding Sponsorship will sustain this team and enable this effort to grow and thrive. Thank you!

Please consider also your support of these amazing organizations:

The mission of the Cleantech Open is to find, fund, and foster the big ideas that address today’s most urgent energy, environmental, and economic challenges.The Cleantech Open has established itself as the leader in developing clean technology startup entrepreneurs addressing these challenges. DONATE. SPONSOR.

SSV is leading Silicon Valley to a more sustainable future through collaboration with local government agencies, businesses, and community organizations to identify and address the highest-priority environmental issues. They engage prominent Valley organizations to proactively work toward reducing regional CO2 emissions, and intelligently managing energy and water use. DONATE. JOIN.

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Sue Lebeck 

  Cool Block Platform Director

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