
[Join our network and copy/paste the template below into a new Discussion post that you "Add" to this Innovation Stories forum.  Type your answers below each of the questions.  We can't wait to read your story.  Thank you so much! Have questions? Email us.]



[What is the SMART / sustainable /innovative thing you are doing?  Type your answer here.]

[Type your:
Organization Name,
and Website here.]


Why is this important to do?  And why is it compelling to you personally?

[your answer here]


What are the key challenges and opportunities you / your industry faces? 

[Optional question: your answer here, or please delete]


What wisdom would you like to pass on to tomorrow's innovators and entrepreneurs? 

[your answer here]


How might others help you?

[Optional question: your answer here, or please delete]


[Please say more if you would like.  Please also insert any images, or any links to websites, videos, or other materials you'd like to share.  Thanks!]


[Please "tag" this Discussion post with words that will help your story be found.  Include the tag "your-story".   Include also any of the "SMART Pathway" tags found in the right-hand column.  We might add some tags too.  Thanks!]


Views: 122



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Sue Lebeck 

  Cool Block Platform Director

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