
Creating a Smart Grid dictionary, which provides fast, accurate, and comprehensive definitions of over 1,200 smart grid terms and organizations. Written for business-people and consumers alike.

Christine Hertzog, Author, Smart Grid Dictionary


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• “You can create enough electricity to perhaps power your own house, perhaps power some in the neighborhood, perhaps sell some back to the grid; that is a completely new concept.”

• “You do not have to be an electrical engineer in order to participate as a pro-sumer in the smart grid.”

• “In the process of creating a definition I would certainly cross reference between several different sources to make sure that what I was creating was an industry standard or something that was commonly accepted and agreed upon by a number of different industries.”

• “To explain these things in everyday terms for the average ordinary person to understand, not the industry insiders, and that way hope to demystify what this all means for the average ordinary consumer and rate payer.”

• “I would encourage everyone to not just think about how they can get into the sustainable field but how they can incorporate sustainable values into their lifestyles. This shouldn’t be a career choice, it should be the way we live our lives.”

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In acknowledgement of the 100th anniversary of the Titantic disaster, Christine Hertzog explores the vulnerabilities of our mighty electrical grid -- and why the Smartgrid must be carefully designed if it is to achieve resiliency.  Check out her article at

Is the Electrical Grid the next Titantic?




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