

SSV has signed a partnership agreement with NASA/Ames, to conduct an audacious project that will culminate in a big showcase of solutions for sustainability  - water, energy, transportation, materials, and collaborations across industries and silos. 


Marianna Grossman

President and Executive Director


Watch the video ...



- What can we do together to have humanity work within the carrying capacity of our planet?

- We want to hear from anyone who has an invention, an idea, an established product, a way of creating change… It could be a storybook for children that becomes very popular and changes the way we think about resources in the world, it could be a way to make electricity without combustion and creates less pollution… it could be a lot of different things.

- We are opening in September a "Call for Solutions".  [Early next year] we’ll be picking the winners, and then we will have a Showcase of Solutions here at NASA/Ames on May 23rd, 2013.

- There will be a group of experts, as well as the public, who will be voting on the solutions that are the most promising in a bunch of different areas.   And we will be trying to create ecosystems of solutions, that will have more of an impact working together than they could individually.  

- It's easy, well, manageable, for people within their area of expertise to innovate. But when you try to get that solution... adopted, it’s hard to get change to happen. It’s even harder to get people from one area to talk to people from another.   There is a huge opportunity when you bring those differences together.... there is a huge opportunity for breakthrough results....  The intersection of different zones results in a very fertile area.

- My advice: Go for it!  Life is short, and this is not a dress rehearsal.  Tell your story, have fun doing it, pray for help, and go for it!

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  Cool Block Platform Director

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