
Self-integrating technology that creates an IT fooprint on any device that is part of your life.


Dr. Sumi Helal, Ph.D.
President and CEO


Watch this short story "From the Field"...



- The name Pervasa comes from pervasive computing.  I want to develop technology that can self-integrate into systems.  How can you make devices integrate by themselves... so that we can enter into Smart Cities, Smart Grids and all these other futuristic concepts?  [At Pervasa we develop] technology that creates a self-integrating IT footprint on everything that is going to be part of our life... 


- I am a professor, an academician.   I receive funding to work with people like the elderly;  I try very hard to create a Smart Home for people.   [But when asked] "When will it be available?" the answer was always, "Not anytime soon", because of the [dependence on] manual systems integration.


- I have one lesson I learned the hard way:   Yes, absolutely, you should think "outside of the box" with anything that you do.  But only to put it back "in the box"...  If it is complex and highly engineered, we cannot sell it at Target, Home Depot or whatever. So, whatever you innovate, think of the day you will put it on the shelf... it must go back in the box.

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