

"At GELI, we believe that the only way to operate the planet on renewable energy is to network energy storage. We make the Energy Computer™ and the Energy Computer Network™ to create the future Energy Internet."


Ted Beatie
VP, Operations and Systems Integration
Growing Energery Labs, Inc. (GELI)




- We network energy storage. Our primary product is the Energy Computer™, which integrates long-life battery storage with a converter that can handle both AC and DC, inputs and outputs, and wraps around that an operating system that allows you to manage all of your [sources] whether it's solar, or energy storage, or direct from the grid -- what energy is coming in, and what energy you're using and what you need to do with that energy.

- Our system will understand the different costs of energy [at different times],
and determine whether it is better to draw that energy off the grid, or better to get it off energy storage.

-I am now applying my 20 years of experience doing networking, software development and systems integration.... to this new energy, clean energy, industry, and it's really exciting.

- I've never been involved in a company this young. Everything is new for me and that's exciting. ... [We are discovering] how hard it actually is to start a new technology in this market ... Maybe the path is uncertain, but it is definitely there, and it's definitely up and exciting.

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