

Biomimicry-inspired incubation models have emerged in recent years, all aiming to nurture technologies originating in Nature’s laboratories.   Today’s SMART innovation story, the last in a series of innovation stories from 2013 GreenBiz Forum in San Francisco, represents a new one to watch closely. 

Our Conversation...

The San Diego Zoo Centre for BioInspiration


Biologists match animal and plant species’ natural adaptations to the functional requirements of specific industrial challenges.  Once the biologists have gathered the options, then the engineers and designers get to work.

"The CFO at the zoo, Paula Brock, over five years ago realized the vast amount of information that is sitting in the zoo in the animal and plant collections and the people taking care of them… and how that applied to this new field of biomimicry, which we refer to as bioinspiration. We are absolutely a natural to contribute to that." 


For past InnovatingSMART conversations in this series:

Mo'Data! Mo'Data! Mo'Data!

Creating with Constraints

From Consumers to Citizens

The Transportation Revolution

More on GreenBiz people and events:

Risk, Resilience and Love: Lessons from Woodstock

On the VERGE of a SMARTer World




Check out GreenBiz' own coverage of the 2013 Forum at their microsite, or sign up for their newsletters.




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Sue Lebeck 

  Cool Block Platform Director

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