

Creating a virtual management that will allow one to design more sustainable water systems.


Katherine Kao Kushing, PhD. Director of Sustanability at San Jose State University




Interview Excerpts:


-[Currently] we are taking water out of streams, we are using it for commercial and industrial purposes, we are treating it and then we are discharging it back to very sensitive receiving bodies of water such as bays and streams.  So our inspiration is to trying to think more about a decentralized system for managing water... Getting organizations, such as land use planning agencies and water planning agencies to think more about completing a closed loop cycle for water use, as opposed to the input-output model that we have been following for several decades.  
-The idea behind this project is to create a “SimCity” for the urban water cycle that actually uses real data.  For example, a company like Intel could use it to design a water plan for making wafers.  How much fresh water are they going to need? How much recycled water could they need?  Could they reuse grey water on site? Do they want to have a rainwater harvesting system?
-Data sets for [water planning] in use right now are often pretty old and they are generally run on desktop systems that do not talk to each other.  Another innovative aspect of this project is that it would use the power of cloud computer and social networking to really increase the rate at which we can integrate real time data into the system and make it useful for project planning.
-In this tool, our users could evaluate different scenarios for water planning... [and] decide how to allocate fresh water, grey-water and rainwater uses. They could run through scenarios given different situations of what might be the most economical way to allocate their water resources.  
-[By using this tool,] a facilities manager would be able to decide  whether on not they wanted to hook up to the recycled water system.  A regional water planner would be able to use this [tool] to decide where to allocate resources for their climate change plan.  They would be able to use real data and evaluate different scenarios so they could make the right decisions.  
-The ultimate win is a closed-loop cycle for urban water use in the area.... There is just not going to be enough water around anymore for us to use -- due to climate change and land-use development practices -- so we really have to conserve every drop.  And that means not relying so much on traditionally fresh water supplies, but we really have to think more about investing in resources for recycled water, grey-water use and rainwater harvesting.  
-We like to think of our sources of water as fresh and pristine, but if you think about it, every drop of water that we flush down the toilet or put in our mouths has been recycled in some way so a lot of it has to do with public education.
- For two months we were talking individually: “I’m doing this.”  “And I’m doing this.” ... But recently we moved from the “I” to the “We”.... which has really been gratifying to see. ...I think it takes initially getting people interested in a cause together,in a room for awhile, just talking about what they’re doing so that we can move forward.
- One of the best experiences I’ve gotten [through this project] is really [working with] other professionals with other disciplinary skills, and learning to talk to them.”

-[Advice to young professionals]: Ground yourself in all three E’s -- Environment, Economy, and Social Equity.  It can seem daunting, but you will become a better thinker because of it.




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