
Launching a professional practice and online resource to "ask nature" for sustainable design inspiration.

Janine Benyus
Biologist, Innovation Consultant, and Author
Biomimicry Guild / Biomimicry Institute / Ask Nature


We can't take the credit for doing this interview -- TED beat us to it years ago through their awesome practice of recording "Ideas worth spreading".   But of the several great videos of Janine Benyus, this is our favorite.   Find more at our SMART Design Principles resources page.


Watch the video: "Biomimicry in Action" from



  • We live in a competent universe.  We are part of a brilliant planet.  We are surrounded by genius...  Biomimicry takes design advice from that genius... Biomimics are Nature's apprentices.
  • None of these [solutions] are using the organisms. 
    They are really only using the blueprints, or the recipes, of the organism.
  • How does Nature flow without turbulence?  
    [Find the answer at about 5:00]
  • How does Nature repel bacteria?  
    [Find the answer at about 6:00]
  • How does Nature gather water from fog?  
    [Find the answer at about 7:10]
  • How does Nature use CO2 as a building block?  
    [Find the answer at about 7:55]
  • How does Nature gather the sun's energy?  
    [Find the answer at about 8:40]
  • How does Nature filter water?  
    [Find the answer at about 9:05]
  • How does Nature strengthen with minimal material?  
    [Find the answer at about 9:40]
  • How does Nature build multiple functions into one material?  
    [Find the answer at about 10:15]
  • How does Nature secure nano-particles?  
    [Find the answer at about 11:10]
  • How does Nature optimize energy use?  
    [Find the answer at about 12:05]
  • How does Nature distribute water without pumps?  
    [Find the answer at about 12:40]
  • How does Nature produce electricity?  
    [Find the answer at about 13:10]
  • How does Nature reduce drag?  
    [Find the answer at about 13:45]
  • How does Nature listen in a noisy environment?  
    [Find the answer at about 14:05]
  • How does Nature provide ecosystem services?  
    [Find the answer at about 14:25]

What is your Question?  

Any time, day or night, because of the work of the folks at,
you can Ask Nature.  Do it today!



Views: 369

Replies to This Discussion

Congratulations to Janine Benyus and Biomimicry 3.8!....


May 17, 2012


Dear Friend of Biomimicry,

I'm bursting with pride and want to make sure you've heard the exciting news. Our own Janine Benyus has won the Design Mind category of the 13th annual National Design Awards program sponsored by Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York.

The Design Mind is a prestigious award given in recognition of a visionary person, such as an educator, author, critic, curator, or designer, who has had a profound impact on design theory, practice, or public awareness.

I cannot think of a more apt honor for Janine, whose commitment to biomimicry has profoundly impacted the sustainable design movement and elevated a once unknown field to the international stage.

Janine responded to the news by saying:

"It has been my privilege and my lifelong passion to bring nature’s wisdom to the people who design our world. Being honored by this creative community is a halleluiah moment for biomimicry—a coming of age for nature-inspired design."


The National Design Awards ceremony will be held on October 17 at a gala dinner in New York, where Janine will be honored along with the other nine category winners.

As she mentions above, this is a win not only for Janine, but also for all of us who care about biomimicry. Recognition by the National Design Museum ensures that more people will learn about the power of biomimicry to transform design. 

These victories make it easier to bring biommicry into your own company, organization, or classroom.

Please join me in celebrating this biomimicry win by passing along this great news.

Best wishes,

Bryony Schwan
Executive Director
Biomimicry 3.8 Institute




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