
The only greener, totally eco-friendly auto club in the country.  First travel company to offer carbon offsets.  Pioneered bicycle roadside assistance.  Provides discounts to hybrid and alternative fuel vehicle owners, and to regular mass-transit users.  And more...

Mitch Rofsky, President

"Kicking Asphalt" - the newsletter


Watch this quick "From the Field" story....


Note: This is our first "From the Field" quick story, a new format for us.   Taken on-site at San Francisco's recent annual Green Festival (celebrating its ten-year anniversary!) this format represents an extreme form of striving to meet our dual goals: minimizing interview and production time, and thus maximizing the number of stories our generous all-volunteer staff can create for our readers.




- We've been growing all through the economic turndown.


- Why am I doing it?  I'm doing it because I think the marketplace is essential but not perfect.  And I believe that one of the things the marketplace responds to is consumer demand.  We have to educate the consumers about what the marketplace can do, and about how innovative business can be when consumers demand it.


- We think everybody should be out starting businesses, especially socially responsible businesses.There's a huge market out there.


- People think, "I'm voting every couple of years".  But you are voting with your dollars every single day.   We need to organize that market, and satisfy it with new businesses. 

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Sue Lebeck 

  Cool Block Platform Director

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