

Business-building services (strategy, business development, marketing, branding) specifically for small to medium-sized sustainability-driven businesses.

An example client is “PowerfulME”, a potent shopping tool to empower rushed shoppers in making sustainable and conscientious choices.  Find it at


Megan Joy Havrda
CEO and Co-Founder



  • My background is in triple-bottom-line development.  We do a lot of ground-up development, whether it’s a new product or new service, and we bring in specialists… and basically we put businesses together. 

  • About PowerfulME:  It runs on the barcode, it’s on your phone, so you scan a product and you can see how it fits in with your standards and your preferences…. including company-specific data…. It’s not obvious, it’s a lot of data-digging and the app has done it for you.  So it really helps consumers put their dollars into products they want to support, and companies they want to support.


"PowerfulME" tool..

  • PowerfulME is a personal favorite of mine because it’s really putting the power back into the consumer’s hand, and educating the consumer…  It covers beauty products, health products, household products like cleaning supplies, food and beverages… An excellent tool to use in the grocery store.

  • [The data comes from] many different sources…. We are currently making strategic partnerships with more and more companies that WANT to share their sustainability data as well as their operational data.

  • It includes data on the label, that people are not looking at closely as they are flying through … they’re not going to be able to read every little thing…

  • The beautiful thing is that companies get to send us data that is true and verifiable, and users get to upload their preferences… and share their lists…. “I want to give other diabetics a time-saving list, because I already did the research and I made the list…”  So it’s a shareware kind of thing for consumers.


Personal Journey...

  • The Adventure Capitalists started because we saw that there were many, many ideas in the sustainability world, and we thought that if they had the oomph and the contacts and the visibility… they’d  gain traction sooner… so it’d be easier to enter the marketplace, [with] the tools that the bigger guys have.


Words of Wisdom...

  • You have to have incredible tenacity, because we are basically creating new pathways – new products, new industries, new ways of doing life….

  • Be able to stand by your product or service 100%, and be able to collaborate and coordinate with other people who [want to do a similar thing] so you will have the support you need when times get tough.


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  Cool Block Platform Director

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